Sunday, September 15, 2024

Bensenstials Session 3

 Game Date: 9/14/2024

LocationHome Game
CampaignBensentials, Session 3

SystemD&D 5e
DM: Matt

The Party:
Baileigh - Tiefling Druid (Circle of the Moon - 2024 rules)
Ben - Changeling Sorcerer (Draconic)
Bryan - Shifter Monk (Way of Shadow), Human Fighter (Champion)
Rick - Assimar Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
TJ - Elf Ranger (Hunter - 2024 rules)

The Session: We left off halfway through the Woodland Manse quest. This time we added two new players. Note that the two new players are using 2024 character creation rules, while the three original players are still using the 2014 rules. Note that the new players had never played D&D before.

Woodland Manse: Last session had the players finding a secret room in the top floor of the mansion. Then they heard some orcs entering the room they'd come from. The two new players, a druid and a ranger, had been watching the mansion from the woods, and saw the party go in. This led to a very large battle between a bunch of orcs and the players.

Axeholm: This is the biggest dungeon they've conquered so far. It took a couple of hours, but the PCs eventually cleared out every room. The druid spent most of her time transformed into a rat, scouting ahead of the party in the inconspicuous form.

Shipwreck: This encounter killed the party's monk last session. Today it was much easier. The new druid turned into a shark and retrieved most of the treasure with no combat required.

Shrine of Savras: The party explored the ruins of an old church, where they fought some orcs. Then the Paladin received a vision showing him the location of the Dragon's nest. We had to end the session at this point.

Notes: All that's left is to fight the dragon.They know where it is, but reaching it won't be easy. Since this is likely to be a short session, I will try to find something to prepare to keep it going.

Afterthoughts: Using old and new characters together seems to work just fine. The druid seemed to be the most valuable charcter of the session. Her versatility made her useful in every situation.

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