I started collecting RPG dice about a year before I actively started looking for a D&D campaign. Here's some pics of my collection:
I know it's silly, but I like to match up dice with the personality of the character I'm playing. A magic user might get something clear or sparkly, while a melee type might get darker colors. I also like to get matching dice bags if possible.
I also like collecting weird dice dice, in strange sizes or that show funny results. Clockwise from top left: Large dice, glow-in-the-dark dice, tiny dice, and clear dice.
Here's a few unusual ones, including astrology dice, d1000, d100, d30, d24, pizza toppings, months, round dice, mood dice, weather dice, rock/paper/scissors dice, and a few odd finds.
I used the mood die once while DMing, when playing a mentally unstable character who had violent mood swings. Some day I hope to do something similar as a player.
This is a solution I had for playing in the car:
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