Game Date: 10/3/2020
Location: Roll20Campaign: Daggerford, Session 5
System: D&D 5e
DM: Rusty
The Party:
Azul (Cliff) Dragonborn Fighter
Ezmerelda (Christy) Halfling Rogue (absent)
Khemed (Mike) Half-Elf Wizard
Neven (Steve) Elf Monk
Vanya (Matt) Half-Elf Bard
Boo - Neven's Riding lizard
The Session:
The Session:
After taking a long rest in the top floor of the temple, we started down the stairs. At the bottom was a hallway with several doors. The hallway was damp and smelled like rotten eggs. We opened the first door we came too, on the East side of the hallway. There was a water basin, being filled from a spout shaped like a dragon. The room was otherwise clear.
We detected a hint of conjuration magic coming from the water basin, but found nothing of interest. Neven drank from the fountain, and it healed him. Back to the hallway, and Neven checked a door to the North. There were ten stone sarcophagi standing against the walls. Then Neven checked the South door, to find a mausoleum.
Waiting in the hallway, Azul saw a small statue in an alcove, and it started speaking to him. It identified itself as Doug, a temple guardian. Doug offered to give Azul a blessing, and told us that it hoped we would clear out the temple. He also warned us that the other temple guardian wasn't as nice as he was.
Neven opened another door, and found ten more stone sarcophagi. He looked at another alcove, and there was a small statue of a female elf. The statue started cursing at Neven. We decided to accept Doug's blessing, but he hit us with some radiant damage and cursed at us.
Khemed turned invisible and scouted ahead. As he went down the South hallway, he could hear drums and chanting. The hall finally opened up to a cave, full of Lizardfolk cultists. He used a message spell to convince some of the Lizardfolk that they had been chosen by their god, and attempted to convince them to fight each other.
Unfortunately, he rolled low on his deception check, and they ignored him. He came back and informed the group, and we formulated a plan. Neven was about to try talking to them, but Khemed fired a Chromatic Orb and got the battle going.
Khemed put one to sleep right off the bat. Azul and Neven blocked off the hall, creating a chokepoint. Vanya fired a Shatter spell into the crowd of Lizzies, killing two, and leaving two more hurting enough for Neven to finish off.
Neven and Azul finished off the final conscious one. We tied up the sleeping one so we could interrogate it. Then we took a short rest, then proceeded through a secret door behind an altar. We found an old, rotting chest, which contained a leather pouch and a silver hand mirror (which Vanya claimed). The mirror was enchanted to make the viewer look younger. We double-checked a fire beetle cave behind us, then proceeded West.
A bridge and another stairwell opened up into a huge cavern, partly filled with water. In the South was a frolicking dragon wyrmling, along with the Lizardfolk queen. From what we could tell, we were interrupting some sort of ritual.
Azul tried to convince the wyrmling to attack the queen, then Azul and Khemed fired at the queen. The wyrmling's parent swooped into the room and fired acid at the party. We were not ready to face an adult black dragon. Vanya used Mantle of Inspiration to help the party flee, and we all escaped the the cavern.
We picked a different direction - up a waterfall, and into another passage. In one side passage, they encountered a carrion crawler. It got the jump on Neven, who was paralyzed by one of the attacks. Azul picked up Neven and tossed him into the river. He then fell down the waterfall, where Khemed pulled him from the water.
The crawler followed us as we fled back down the waterfall. It paralyzed Azul, but Neven ran up and finished it off. Azul found a Ring of Acid Resistance in the crawler's lair, and we resolved to leave the temple. Again.
We made it a couple of miles before nightfall. We then encountered the friendly Red Feather tribe of Lizardfolk. They took us the rest of the way to Cromm's Hold, where we gave our report. We had a couple of days of downtime, and ended the session there.
XP: 290
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