Saturday, August 8, 2020

Daggerford Militia: First Session

Game Date: 8/8/2020
Location: Roll20
Campaign: Daggerford, Session 1

System: D&D 5e
DM: Rusty

The Party:
Azul (Cliff) Dragonborn Fighter
Ezmerelda (Christy) Halfling Rogue
Khemed (Mike) Half-Elf Wizard
Neven (Steve) Elf Monk
Vanya (Matt) Half-Elf Bard

The Session:
We began the story in Daggerford, a town of about 300 people.  If you live in Daggerford for more than a couple of weeks, they ask you to serve some time in the militia.  Azul is our drill sergeant, and he was running us through some exercises when he was interrupted.  A man had ridden in from nearby Cromm's Hold, and collapsed from his wounds.

Azul led us to Cromm's Hold to learn what was going on.  We arrived and saw that there had recently been a battle against some lizard men.  We helped put out some fires and tended to the wounded.  The survivors informed us that Baron Cromm had charged into the nearby Lizard Marshes to deal some justice to the lizardfolk.

Azul sent word back to Daggorford, then led us into the marshes to find the Baron.  During our trek, a pterosaur swooped out of the sky and tried to make off with Esmerelda.  We killed it with ranged attacks, and Vanya healed the Rogue.

We came to the site of a battle, and discovered the bodies of the Baron (well, half of him) and his troops.  They had been killed by dinosaurs.  The Baron's magical gauntlets and ring were missing, and the other soldiers appeared to be missing their equipment as well.

Another pterodon scoped us out, but we scared it off.  Then a bloody allosaurus stomped toward us and attacked.  It wasn't easy, but we managed to bring it down.  While riding away, Vanya's horse got stuck in quicksand, but we managed to pull it out.

After riding a bit further, we found a band of heavily armed lizard men.  These were wearing different colors than the ones that attacked Cromm's Hold.  Azul spoke to their leader, "Red-Eye".  He was impressed by Azul (dragonborn are rare in this time period), and had no quarrel with us.  He told us that it was the "Blue Feather" tribe who had attacked Cromm's Hold.  We went on our way in peace.

Farther on, we encountered five of the Blue Feather lizard men.  It was a decent battle.  We took some damage, but eventually killed all but one of them.  The last one fled into the swamps, despite our best efforts to fire after him.  

We returned to where we found the Baron's body and took a short rest.  Then we returned to Cromm's Hold, gave them the body, and let them know what happened.  We took a long rest in town, recieved 337 xp, and leveled up.  The following day we returned to the swamps.

We came across a weird lizardlike creature, grazing, and wearing a saddle.  Neven approached it, and fed it some of his rations.  The lizard led us to Red-Eye's camp, and Red-Eye sold the lizard to Neven as a mount.  We asked them for more information about the Blue Feather tribe, and they told us about the tribe's location and habits.

They told us that the Blue Feather tribe probably consisted of about 50-100 lizardfolk, which is more than we wanted to fight.  They offered to send out some scouts and let us know what else the Blue Feathers were doing, and we decided to return to Daggerford for reinforcements.  

We ended the session there.  This was my first time playing a session on Roll20, and despite a few connection issues, I think it worked out pretty well.  There is a bit of a learning curve, and it slowed down the battles a little bit, but overall it was fun.  I do miss minis, thought.  

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