Sunday, August 16, 2020

My RPG Bucket List

I recently started playing in a new campaign, as a Bard.  It's my first Bard in 5e, despite Bards being my favorite class in previous editions.  So I can finally cross "5e Bard" off my bucket list.  I thought I'd list a few more things I've been wanting to play.  Hopefully I can check these off eventually.  I'll probably keep editing this blog as I think of more.

Characters I Want To Play:

Fairy/Pixie/Sprite - Don't judge me, but I like fey characters.  There was a playable pixie race in one of the later 4e books, but we stopped playing 4e before I got a chance to play one.  I have no desire to ever play 4e again, but I wish 5e would get an official fairy race at some point.  Of course, I could always just play Shadow of the Demon Lord.

Tabaxi - I'm a huge cat lover.  When I was a kid, I even drew comics about anthropomorphic cats that looked pretty similar to the Tabaxi.  I would bet that one of my next three 5e characters ends up being a Tabaxi.

Warlock - Of all the classes I've never played, Warlock is probably my favorite.  My next character might just be a Tabaxi Warlock, which would kill two birds with one stone.

Divine Soul Sorcerer - From Xanathar's. Sorcs are one of my favorite classes, and I like it when non-healing classes are given the option to do a bit of healing.  I've been wanting to try this subclass for a while.

Cleric or Paladin of Sune - I think the concepts of Love and Beauty are underrated in D&D.  Smart characters tend to worship brainy gods, strong characters tend to worship the war gods, and sneaky characters tend to worship luck gods.  It's trite, but I've always wanted to play a character that believes in using the power of love to vanquish evil.

Settings/Campaigns/RPGs I Want To Play Or Run:

Spelljammer - God help me, but Spelljammer is so goofy looking, I want to give it a try sometime.  I have no desire to use the AD&D based rules, but if they ever make a 5e version, I'm going to be all over it.

Curse of Strahd - This is my favorite published 5e module.  I've read it cover to cover, but I don't think that would spoil much because some of the story's elements are random.  If I ran it as a DM, I'd really want to go all out - candles, music, etc.  I'm not sure I could pull it off, but I'd like to try.  But not until we're able to start playing in person again.

Expedition to Barrier Peaks - A classic D&D adventure that mixes in some sci-fi elements.  I'd be happy to play it or run it.  There's a 5e version available from Goodman Games.

Star Wars - Let's face it, Star Wars is my life.  There have been several Star Wars RPGs, but I've never played one.  I came really close to getting into a Star Wars campaign right before I started playing D&D 4e.  Currently there's a very well done fan-made SW RPG based on D&D 5e, and I'd really like to try it someday.  

Alien RPG - Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite movies.  Last year they released a new Alien RPG.  I've read it, and it does a good job of capturing the feel of the movies.  It has two modes - a cinematic mode designed for one-shots, and a more fleshed out version for longer campaigns.  I don't know if I'd be up for a full campaign, but I'd love to try the cinematic mode.

My homebrew campaign - I've run a campaign before, but honestly, it was really more like a series of one-shots that happened to use the same characters.  I've been writing a campaign lately, designing a setting and an organization for the PCs to join.  I'd love to run it someday, as an actual long-running campaign, with a reliable group.  I'm not the best DM, and I would prefer to run it for inexperienced players.

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