Friday, December 4, 2020

3D Printer Update - Dinosaurs!

A while back I showed off my first efforts with a 3D printer.  Here's some updates.  First off, here's a few of the ones from last time, now painted:

Dice tray, now painted and felt-lined.

Dice tower.  I kept the interior green, because it would have been hard to paint it all.  But I like how it gives it a mystical feel.


Barbarian.  Now de-stringed and supports removed.  Still needs some paint touch-ups.

Now some new stuff.  Here's a different style dice tower:

Here's some dinosaurs.  I did not print the dinos (except for one of them), they're from some packs from a dollar store.  I printed the bases the dinos are on, then painted the bases.  I also repainted some of the dinos.  I'm now ready to run a campaign in Chult.

I did print this one.  You can tell because it sucks.

And finally, here is something completely different.  I tried to print a horse that had a platform on its back for holding a miniature.  Unfortunately, it printed badly.  First, it came out huge, like some sort of war elephant.  Secondly, I didn't put enough supports under its nose, so it came out looking more like a duck's beak.  So I leaned into the skid, and designed a new creature.  I present the four-legged war mallard:

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