Saturday, November 28, 2020

Daggerford: Taking Things For Granite

Game Date: 11/28/2020
Location: Roll20
Campaign: Daggerford, Session 8

System: D&D 5e
DM: Rusty

The Party:
Azul (Cliff) Dragonborn Fighter
Esmerelda (Christy) Halfling Rogue
Khemed (Mike) Half-Elf Wizard
Neven (Steve) Elf Monk
Sylvester (Steven) Drow Warlock
Vanya (Matt) Half-Elf Bard

The Session:
When we left off last session, we were searching for an elemental key. We had followed some footprints into a mausoleum, where two of our party members contracted a disease. Today, we started by searching more mausoleums.

In Mausoleum #3, Sylvester set off a gas trap. Ezmerelda deactivated the trap. In #2, we found footprints in the dust, leading to a hidden trap door. A passage led down to a small room, lit by a lantern. Neven led the way, and was jumped from each side by a couple of grave robbers.

The party parleyed with the ruffians. Just as things were starting to calm down, an imp appeared and tried to attack us. There was a short fight. Azul finished off the imp, and the two men surrendered. They told us that they were working for Darwa Dalion (a wanted criminal), and were the rear guard for her band.

We tried to hire them to come with us, but they turned us down. We asked them what else they could tell us, and they pointed out a secret door in the South wall. They also told us about the makeup of Darwa's party. After they left, we looted their adventuring gear.

We opened the secret door, revealing a long hallway. It ended after fifty feet, with no visible doors. We found scratches on the wall at the South end, but couldn't find any sort of secret door to open.

Khemed drank a potion of gaseous form, and slipped through some cracks in the wall. The hallway continued on the other side, with a side passage to the West and a dead end to the South. There was a statue of an Ogre that looked like it was pushing something. It turned out the barrier separating the party was a huge block of granite.

Azul and Neven pushed the block Southward, past the side hall, then we all proceeded West. We suspect that the Ogre statue will eventually push the block back to its original position, sealing us in. Hopefully there will be another exit from this dungeon.

The hall ended in a multi-chambered area, containing five crypts. The walls were adorned with murals themed around the elements. There was a room to the far West containing a red mist. We started to investigate the Southeast crypt, which looked like it had already been looted. As we investigated the crypt, three wraiths appeared and attacked.

The first wraith attacked Khemed, dropping him with one hit. Vanya healed him, but a few rounds later, another wraith dropped Sylvester. Then Azul went down. Things looked pretty bleak, but then the DM had an epiphany - the wrong monster stats had been used for this module. A few adjustments later, the fight started looking more fair.

Ezmerelda dealt the final blow. We were still pretty bruised up at the end of the encounter, but we survived. We ended the session there.

335xp each, bringing us up to level 4.

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