Saturday, November 14, 2020

Daggerford: Blue Fungus Among Us

Game Date: 11/14/2020

Location: Roll20
Campaign: Daggerford, Session 7

System: D&D 5e
DM: Rusty

The Party:
Azul (Cliff) Dragonborn Fighter
Esmerelda (Christy) Halfling Rogue
Khemed (Mike) Half-Elf Wizard
Neven (Steve) Elf Monk
Sylvester (Steven) Drow Warlock
Vanya (Matt) Half-Elf Bard 

The Session:
Last week we left off right before a battle.  Several goblins had trapped an elf at the bottom of a ravine, and some pixies needed us to save the day.  Khemed won initiative, and started by dropping four goblins with a sleep spell.  Azul hopped down the embankment and splattered one, Neven sped downhill and killed another, and Vanya killed three with a Shatter spell.

Once the final goblin was defeated, we kept one alive for questioning, and healed the bleeding elf.  The elf introduced himself as the King of the Woods.  He said he was out tending the hollow when he was attacked by a group of goblins.  For saving him, he gave us a leather pendant that would give us passage through Laughing Hollow.

We interviewed the surviving goblin, and he told us that his comrades were chasing the Baron.  Sylvester convinced him to lead us to them.  We let him guide us for a while, until we realized he was just leading us in circles.  Eventually the goblin admitted he didn't know where the group was.

While we wandered though the forest, we encountered a woman who claimed to be Lady Bronwyn, the woman we were searching for.  This seemed a little easy, and we were suspicious.  But she seemed to know details that only Bronwyn would know.  She claimed that the Baron didn't know she was a spellcaster, which allowed her to escape.  

We started to head back to Daggerford, when we ran into the Baron and his men.  He claimed he was an honorable man, and offered to settle this in one-on-one combat.  We talked for a minute, then Sylvester attempted to charm one of them.  Combat ensued.

Esmerelda killed one of the Baron's men right off.  The rest of them lined up nicely for Azul's dragon breath, and Vanya finished them off with a Shatter spell.  This left the Baron by himself.  Neven weakened him with some solid punches, and Khemed hit him with a Mind Spike.  

After one of Neven's hits, the Baron took him out with a Hellish Rebuke.  Then he used a mind spell to control Esmerelda, who proceeded to stab Sylvester.  Khemed used a portent roll to keep Esmerelda from killing Sylvester, and another one to make her save from the spell.  Khemed finally finished off the Baron with another Mind Spike.

Lady Bronwyn was a little perturbed that we killed the Baron, since he was royalty.  After the battle, we were attacked by more goblins.  We decided to flee.

We managed to outrun them.  We got back on the road, headed for Daggerford.  We gave the Baron's body to the authorities, and they chose to have him raised.  They thanked us and gave us each 50 gold.  I swear, we're going to have to start charging by the hour.  But at least they allowed Azul to keep the Baron's plate armor.

We spent a few days in downtime, getting some personal business done in town.  Our fame had increased, and people were calling us dragon slayers.  There was even a puppet show about our exploits.

Last session, we had made an appointment to see the wizard Delfen, and it finally came around.  He gave Khemed a book about Red Wizards.  He also gave us a wand that detects secret doors, and a plot hook to investigate the ruins of the Ambergul Estate.

It took about two days to reach the estate.  It was full of overgrown stone crypts.  There was snow on the ground, and we saw some bootprints headed towards the graves.  We opened one of the crypt doors, and saw a lot of bootprints in the South West corner.  Using that wand of secret doors, we found a hidden passage.  A set of brick steps went down into the darkness.

At the bottom of the stairs was an underground room filled with urns and a blueish-white fungus.  The air poisoned Neven and Khemed, giving them blue lung disease.  Until cured, every time they take a short rest, they will lose 1d6 hit points, until they reach 1 hit point.

We ended the session on that happy note.

Session XP: 725 
Total XP: 2509

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